The poetics of violence under the prism of adolescence in two fictions by Nathacha Appanah

social denunciation and prison experience




denunciation, adolescence, violence, novel, Nathacha Appanah


Nathacha Appanah (1973) is originally from Mauritius where she worked as a journalist. She lives in France since 1998 and devotes herself to cultural communication. She began writing novels in 2003. Her first novel, Les rochers de Poudre d’Or, opens an original narrative path that denounces migrant identity in France and its consequences. So far, she has published nine novels and received numerous accolades. It is in this context that we propose to analyze two novels that share a reflection around the violence of life: Tropic of violence (2016), where the author examines the theme of the conflict inherent in wandering and of the violence of immigrants on the French island of Mayotte, and The sky above the roof (2019), where the author returns to the theme of suffering under the prism of adolescence, and associated with the conflicting mother-son-daughter’s relationships. 



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How to Cite

Alfaro Amieiro, Margarita. 2023. “The Poetics of Violence under the Prism of Adolescence in Two Fictions by Nathacha Appanah: Social Denunciation and Prison Experience”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 46 (May): 29-47.