Nonverbal communication and emotion-based phraseological somatisms
nonverbal communication, emotion, phraseological somatismsAbstract
The study deals with nonverbal communication and emotion-based phraseological somatisms. Taking as a reference the Glosario de somatismos del español by Saracho Arnáiz, 61 items related to the emotion conveyed by the parts of the body are analyzed, in a total of 281 cases. Our analysis of the phraseological somatisms covers all of Plutchik’s basic emotions and all of Etxebarria’s social emotions, except jealousy. The research shows that, out of the four most important somatisms for the expression of emotion, the eye is the most frequent somatism. This confirms the primacy of the eye in phraseology, unlike nonverbal communication, where the mouth prevails.
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