Measures of silence. Meter, voice and symbology in María José Flores Requejo’s poetry




María José Flores Requejo, poetry of silence, literary field, metrics, enunciation level, symbology


This article analyzes some aesthetic keys in the poetry of María José Flores Requejo (Burguillos del Cerro, 1963) pointing out the modulations that link her work to the rich –but discontinuous– tradition of the Poetry of Silence. After contextualizing her work in the hectic cultural atmosphere of the eighties around the Faculty of Humanities in the University of Extremadura, three aspects that acquire special relevance in her rhetoric are studied: the craft of versification, the level of lyrical enunciation and the symbolic spectrum on which it is based. As a main conclusion, the poetry of the Extremaduran author starts from the rhetorical lines of silent aesthetics and, aware of that heritage, she takes that lyrical current one step further in a fertile tension between tradition and originality.


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How to Cite

Pérez Parejo, Ramón. 2022. “Measures of Silence. Meter, Voice and Symbology in María José Flores Requejo’s Poetry”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 45 (July): 237-60.