«Y en este monte y líquida laguna»: Landscape, Allegory, and Patronage in the Sonnet 10 of Rimas humanas y divinas del Licenciado Tomé de Burguillos by Lope de Vega





landscape, Lope de Vega, patronage, Rimas de Burguillos


This article examines the relation between poetry and landscape in the sonnet 10 of Lope de Vega’s Rimas humanas y divinas del licenciado Tomé de Burguillos (1634), a volume of poems in which nature takes center stage as a result of Lope’s constant questioning of poetic conventions. Lope’s description of nature in this poem employs landscape as an allegorical vehicle to highlight his social and professional shortcomings as a poet out of favor with the court. This allegorical use of landscape places the Rimas squarely into what landscape theoretician W. J. T. Mitchell calls a “pre-emancipatory moment” in the history of the representation of the natural world —an intermediate stage between the symbolic interpretation and the aesthetic objectivization of nature.


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How to Cite

Lorenzo, Javier. 2023. “«Y En Este Monte Y líquida laguna»: Landscape, Allegory, and Patronage in the Sonnet 10 of Rimas Humanas Y Divinas Del Licenciado Tomé De Burguillos by Lope De Vega”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 46 (May): 219-33. https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-7301.46.219.