«Where have you hidden away, motherland, and left me desolate?»: Juan Gelman's reception of San Juan de la Cruz in Citas y comentarios





Juan Gelman, San Juan de la Cruz, mysticism, exile, Citas y comentarios


The purpose of this paper is to study the reception that the Argentinian poet Juan Gelman makes of the poetry of San Juan de la Cruz in his work Citas y comentarios. In this collection of poems, Gelman resorts to intertextuality by combining the particular symbology and vocabulary of 16th century mystical poetry with the essential nostalgia of tango lyrics to account for an experience that, like the union of the soul with God, surpasses the limits of language: exile. Within this array of influences, we will analyze the unquestionable mark left in the texts by the major poems of the Carmelite saint and his rhetoric of ineffability.


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How to Cite

Irimia Núñez, Iris. 2023. “«Where Have You Hidden Away, Motherland, and Left Me desolate?»: Juan Gelman’s Reception of San Juan De La Cruz in Citas Y Comentarios”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 46 (May): 179-92. https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-7301.46.179.