Cognitive principles of the reception of lyric poetry: theoretical systematization, methodologies and analysis




cognitive poetics, lyric poetry, metaphor, mental spaces, Spanish poetry


The present work aims to gather a systematization of the main theoretical issues of the cognitive reception of lyric poetry (prototypicality, attention, mental spaces, deixis, and metaphor), as well as of its possible methodologies, in an attempt to bring these discussions to the Hispanic field. For this same purpose, additionally, a practical analysis of the critical reception of a lyric text by José Ángel Valente has been made, according to the cognitive principles and methodologies previously developed, so as to prove that this kind of approaches can explain the cognitive processes by which certain textual interpretations are constructed, questioning them and proposing alternative interpretations.


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How to Cite

Alonso González, Mario. 2024. “Cognitive Principles of the Reception of Lyric Poetry: Theoretical Systematization, Methodologies and Analysis”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 47 (April): 5-26.