Contemporary dimensions of ubi sunt?: the poetry of Álvarez Ortega




poetry, Álvarez Ortega, ubi sunt?, memory


Ubi sunt? is a long-lasting topos that remains relevant in contemporary Spanish poetry, especially in the post-war era. In the case of Manuel Álvarez Ortega, it reinforces the elegiac tones: the end of passionate love, the decline of bodily vigor, the death of loved ones, the downfall of the household. In his social criticism works, ubi sunt? suggests that even injustices come to an end. The poet paves a path to overcome pessimism by valuing memory and the written poetry that captures it, thus avoiding the ultimate loss of love and experiences.


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How to Cite

López Martínez, María Isabel. 2024. “Contemporary Dimensions of Ubi sunt?: The Poetry of Álvarez Ortega”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 47 (April): 143-64.