The catalog of Italian women writers by Francesco Agostino della Chiesa




women's biografies, Agostino della Chiesa, Italian women writers


The objective of this article is to analyze the profiles of Italian women writers present in the Theatro delle donne letterate, which Agostino della Chiesa published in 1620. This catalog includes 574 biographies of women from different periods, countries, and social classes. Our analysis contextualizes this text in the exemplifying, biographical and laudatory tradition of the cultural debate of the Querelle des femmes, demonstrating the intertextuality that relates it to other texts and previous authors. The author’s motives are investigated and his position in this debate is clarified with respect to other authors and other texts. Finally, the structure of these biographies is analyzed to reveal the compositional schemes and rhetorical strategies that the author uses in the content and presentation of these women writers.


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Author Biographies

  • Mercedes Arriaga Flórez, Universidad de Sevilla

    Dirección para correspondencia: Departamento de Filogías Integradas. Facultad de Filología. Universidad de Sevilla. 41004. Sevilla

  • Caterina Duraccio, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Dirección para correspondencia: Departamento de Filología y Traducción. Facultad de Humanidades. Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 41013. Sevilla


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How to Cite

Arriaga Flórez, Mercedes, and Caterina Duraccio. 2024. “The Catalog of Italian Women Writers by Francesco Agostino Della Chiesa”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 47 (April): 47-68.