The sonnet "Mundo continuo" by Jorge Guillén and an experiment in literary reception and criticism




Jorge Guillén, Cántico, "Mundo contínuo", correspondence, criticism, reception


In 1958, Jorge Guillén carried out an experiment in literary criticism based on «Mundo continuo», a sonnet from Cántico. Faced with an interpretation dictated by a commentator that did not agree with the author’s, Guillén wrote to six experts on his work, asking them to contribute their own reading of the poem. Only one of them coincided with that of the poet. This work presents and analyzes this initiative by recovering the unpublished replies of the participants, in what becomes an interesting exercise in literary reception and interpretation. 



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How to Cite

Garbisu Buesa, Margarita. 2024. “The Sonnet ‘Mundo Continuo’ by Jorge Guillén and an Experiment in Literary Reception and Criticism”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 47 (April): 93-122.