Poetics of the biographical disintegration and concealment in Fred Cabeza de Vaca by Vicente Luis Mora





Biographical Fallacy, Biographem, Fragmentary Aesthetic, Fred Cabeza de Vaca, Vicente Luis Mora


Through the confluence of writing and theory, through the assembly between aesthetic pleasure and textual epistemology and through a deliberate discursive and fragmentary discontinuity, Fred Cabeza de Vaca is a work committed to literature as an instrument of knowledge of contemporaneity and dystopian inquiry. Fragmentation is the narratological structure through which the writer approaches the dissolution of the Cartesian self and the unknowability of what is real and it becomes a means of expressing the poetics of concealment.


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How to Cite

Calvo Revilla, Ana. 2021. “Poetics of the Biographical Disintegration and Concealment in Fred Cabeza De Vaca by Vicente Luis Mora”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 44 (July): 53-77. https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-7301.44.53.