Substantive Subordination in Spanish Written Texts




Substantive subordination, Syntax of written speech, Textual typology, Verbal mood


This paper focuses on the performance of substantive subordination in Spanish written texts. The article evaluates how it is used in four modes of discourse (narrations, descriptions, instructions and expositions). It also studies the use of such subordinateswh en they function as the subject, the direct complement or the prepositional complement (of a verb, a noun or an adjective) within the main clause. Special attention is paid to the morphology of subordinate verbs and to the conditions that lead such subordinates to be constructed in indicative, subjunctive or infinitive. Moreover, its patterns of usage are specifically analysed in indirect and direct speech structures. 


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How to Cite

Bustos Gisbert, José M. 2020. “Substantive Subordination in Spanish Written Texts”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 43 (October): 95-118.