Military Hierarchy in the Leoncio Prado Military Academy of The Time of the Hero (1963)




Literary analysis, Space, Otherness, Violence, Military Hierarchy, Characters, Novel of the boom


This literary work of Mario Vargas Llosa captures an asymmetrical configuration in his characters. This is distinctive of the modern condition that justifies its ontological instability, as noted by Milagros Ezquerro. In turn, it is understood by the context in which it develops: dictatorial stage that is going through in Peru and Latin America in the second half of the twentieth century. Returning to this premise, this paper will aim to base which are the enclaves that delimit and converge the constitution of the hierarchies that adopt the responsible authorities and the cadets that oscillate in the military universe of the novel. To do this, it will be corroborated by the notion of violence that fluctuates Walter Benjamin, the conception of space by Iuri Lotman and the paradigm of the military universe addressed by Herbert Morote. These categories will be interwoven to demonstrate with hierarchical triangles the implication that was achieved with this type of instruction.


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How to Cite

Delgado Del Aguila, Jesús Miguel. 2020. “Military Hierarchy in the Leoncio Prado Military Academy of The Time of the Hero (1963)”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 43 (October): 157-78.