Dido and Éowyn: two sides of the same coin





Éowyn, Dido, Aeneid, The Lord of the Rings, Virgil, Tolkien


This article aims to show the influence that the Latin poet Virgil had on Tolkien’s work, especially in one of his heroines. This will be demonstrated through the analysis and comparison between the two most influential female characters in their respective works: Dido and Éowyn. This comparison will be made from the perspective of their own histories, as well as their relationship with the male protagonists: Aeneas and Aragorn. Thus, throughout this journey, we will be able to study the similarities and differences between them as well as their individual evolution.


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How to Cite

Sanmartín García, Estibaliz. 2021. “Dido and Éowyn: Two Sides of the Same Coin”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 44 (July): 261-76. https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-7301.44.261.