Madness and peripheral thinking in the poetry of Leopoldo María Panero
An approach from Foucault's theory
Foucault, Leopoldo María Panero, Subjectivity, subject fragmentation, logofagiaAbstract
As Foucault defends, a coherent evolution cannot be established in the history of thought or in that of any scientific discipline. This makes literature, like any other scientific discipline, to be devoted to an analysis outside established historical periods and canons. On the other hand, Foucault considers that literature is language moving as far away from itself as possible. This is something especially palpable in authors who surrender to the violence of the scream, and where thought is an expression of desire and tearing of the subject. As in Artaud or Blanchot, in Leopoldo María Panero we find ourselves before a writing from the outside, from the subject split in its rhizomatic becomings, using the terminology of Deleuze and Guattari, in which the signifier is deterritorialized and decoded, for which he uses logophagic procedures such as the ostracon, the hapax or the cryptogram.
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