Unamuno, Europe and a tragic sense: study of a forgotten text of Unamuno


  • Victoria Alzina Lozano




Unamuno, europeanisation, tragic sense, complete works, essays


Some of the challenges that the study of Unamuno’s work presents is its prolixity and the enormous variety of themes that it brings together. Besides, as for the essay part, in its publication the tendency has been to disseminate it in different journals, both national and international. This has led to some texts being forgotten for decades, outside of the Complete Works, and, finally, not taken into account in the different studies on Unamuno’s work. In this paper, we rescue a forgotten text, «Más sobre la europeización», and we study it along with its precedent, «Sobre la europeización», analyzing the common points with Del sentimiento trágico de la vida. With this textual study, we present the need to complete Unamuno’s Complete Works to guarantee a more precise approach to his work, not only from a genetic perspective, but also from a comparative one.


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How to Cite

Alzina Lozano, Victoria. 2021. “Unamuno, Europe and a Tragic Sense: Study of a Forgotten Text of Unamuno”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 44 (July): 5-19. https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-7301.44.5.