Violence that generates fear, fear that generates violence: Seven against Thebes




Aeschylus, tragedy, gender violence, fear


In Seven against Thebes, in the context of the imminent attack on the city, the violence of war generates different reactions in citizens and women. While those approach the situation with serenity and rationality, the young women of the chorus respond with an emotional outburst that irritates the king. In this work we will analyze from a gender perspective the attitudes of the characters and the chorus and the surprising reaction of Eteocles, violent, disproportionate, and as emotional as that of the women’s.


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How to Cite

Amado Rodríguez, María Teresa. 2024. “Violence That Generates Fear, Fear That Generates Violence: Seven Against Thebes”. Anuario De Estudios Filológicos 47 (April): 27-46.