Values of Andean Spanish Nomás
Andean Spanish, Quechua, Substrative languages, Semantic-pragmatic analysis, Cognitive motivations, AdverbAbstract
The aim of this article is to present an analysis of different values of Andean Spanish adverb nomás, conducted by means of methodology referred to as cultural linguistics (Anusiewicz, 1994; Palmer, 2000; Wilk-Racięska, 2012 and 2018), understood as a multidimensional research system which uses various tools, depending on the phenomenon under the investigation. Hence, the research apparatus of cultural linguistics covers semantic, cognitive and pragmatic tools. This methodology allows for the thorough examination of the relations between Andean Spanish and its substrative languages. The autor introduces key notions, defines methodology and presents a practical ilustration of the hypothesis put forward in the form of a short analysis of some values of the Spanish Andean adverb nomás.
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