Recognized Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The Anuario de Estudios Filológicos is a peer-reviewed journal edited by the University of Extremadura (Spain), that publishes original research papers —written in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese—, which deal with aspects of linguistic structure or literature of any language, with general linguistics or literary theory.

The manuscripts are peer-reviewed prior to their publication.

The rights and obligations of authors, editor, and reviewers are the following:


– Authors must warrant the full originality of their work. The use of other people’s works must be adequately cited.

– Authors should not submit manuscripts that reproduce papers already published, in whole or in part, in other journals.

– Authors can use their own articles, or part of them, in compilations of their own work.

Woks that are being evaluated in whole or in part by another publisher cannot be submitted. Once submitted to the AEF, the originals cannot be sent to another journal or publisher until the evaluation process has been completed.

– In the writing of the works, discrimination through language (sexist, racist, classist…) will be avoided and the linguistic system will be respected. 


– The publisher must warrant that the manuscripts received will undergo a process of anonymous peer evaluation.

– The publisher will observe the norms of the University of Extremadura in copyright matters.

– The publisher will only assess the intellectual value of the manuscripts, regardless of race, nationality, gender, ethnicity, beliefs or ideology of the author.


– Reviewers will not report on manuscripts which may create conflicts of interest resulting from competition, collaboration or any other relations with the author.

– Reviewers will be fully objective and will clearly argument their viewpoints.

– Reviewers should report possible cases of plagiarism or too obvious similarities between the evaluated manuscript and other published works they know.